Kristína Mésároš

Kristina Mésároš (1981) belongs to a generation of young artists who created the look of current Slovak painting in the last decade. The sources of the first author's motivations to paint were from the outset internal, personal, based on her own experience and innate need to express them in painting. The author often finds inspiration and specific fragments of her paintings in exotic locations of distant lands, borrows them from historical photographs, or searches for them with a camera in the banalities of the outside world – all according to her current creation cycles and related areas of interest.

Paintings of Kristina Mésároš are mainly based on stories. In her work, she is often exploring the idea of finding inner freedom and the meaning of life through poetic fantasy scenes in which an important role is played by the natural environment and in it a hidden hint of previous or future events. In her painting, she inserts stories of specific places that are normally unknown or only work in relation to a personal memory or fact taken out of its original context. Her own impressions and memories inspire her to poetry saturated scenes, in which an important role is played by the interaction of the environment with the human figure. The country of motifs is always changing, but the sense of imaginative narrative remains present throughout her work. Paintings where the natural background of the scene becomes a self-supporting element are an expression of a distinctive, enthusiastic passion for the possibilities of painting techniques (flushing, snorting, wash). Paintings of Kristina Mésároš consist of a combination of several approaches linking personal authenticity, at times certain naivety of ideas and artistic sensitivity and innovation in the creation process. She is inviting us to unleash those places in your mind that can perceive beauty of unnoticed details, decrypt metaphorical language and treasure short, fast-fleeting moments. By: Diana Majdakova (Less)


2008 - 2014

Ph.D studies on Academy of Fine Arts & Design, Bratislava, Slovakia


Research student on Lasalle College of Arts, Singapore

2004 — 2006

MFA in Printmaking, Academy of Fine Arts & Design, Bratislava, Slovakia

2000 - 2004

BFA in Printmaking, Academy of Fine Arts & Design, Bratislava, Slovakia



Artist in residence „Novum“, Nové Zámky, Slovakia


Lind Art, International workshop, Gallery Muzeum Lendava, Lendava, Slovenia


SIMPAT, International Worksho, Patince, Slovakia

International Young Artists Fine Art Colony, Lendava, Slovenia


Research student on Lasalle College of Arts, Singapore, Philippines and Indonesia

International Ateliers of contemporary arts In Monteacuto delle Alpi, Italy

International symposium of painting, Turves, France


Scholarship at Udajana University Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia


GARB, Workschop of young artist, Montescaglioso, Italy


Student exchange at Academy of Fine Art, Warsaw, Poland



Nominee and finalist on Maľba, Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia



Nominee for Painting of the year 2009 Award for Young Artist Ministry of culture, Bratislava, Slovakia


Nominee for Painting of the year 2008 Award for Young Artist Ministry of culture, Bratislava, Slovakia


1st place, Competition for the best New Years illustration postcard 2003 and Gas de France