bara prasilova

Thomas Beachdel, PhD. about Bara Prasilova’s work:


Bara Prasilova, Thomas Beachdel, ed., PositiF, 2022

Beneath Prasilova’s surface lurks the uncanny-a psychology of emotional crevices and cracks. The valleys and paths are deep into ourselves in her images. They take us to childhood, like steps down into the cellar, and they take us to the attic garret of our dreams of flight. There is a Bachelardian reverie here- a daydream that avoids the night. We are far from facts and logic, that deceptive myth of the Greco-Roman tradition of the circle, and spun into the more fascinating areas of rhythm, and cycle, memory, and our imperfect selves. Like pyramids, their very tips breaking the earth’s crust, volcanic echoes of our molten psyches like slow-moving rivers transforming the landscape of remembrance, the past and dreams of future visions rupture the skin of our reality, ripping, perhaps ever so gently, the complex fabric of our rational minds. The is the language, imprecise and poetic, of Prasilova’s world.

We can marvel at Prasilova’s images, because they are marvelous. Imagine them actually coming alive and becoming flesh, like wax that grows soft under the touch of your gaze, feel their presence. They bear down and give wings. There is deep mystery somewhere in these images, something we want to know, yet it may only be accessible by our subconscious minds. Ultimately, Prasilova’s images show us ourselves. WE see one thing, but we know there is something more…

Prasilova’s Circles is a link between the seemingly real and the seemingly unreal. The almost deific perfection of process and of image is countered by the fantastical or really, surreal. It is significant to note that figuring prominently in her process is the recording of her dreams, parts of which as short texts are scattered through the book, like seeds.

excerpt from the curatorial text Bara Prasilova: Dreaming in Circles, PositiF, 1st edition, 2022

The book can be purchased on Amazon.

Latest Media:

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